When you first contact SeaView Systems one of our senior people, experienced in underwater robotic inspection and intervention operations, will discuss your project in detail. Once we have a good understanding of just what you are trying to achieve, we will present a range of options to you. Naturally, the more sophisticated the solution the more expensive it will be. However, we will do our best to provide you with as wide a range of options as possible in order to meet your goals and budget.

Long distance penetrations in excess of 5000ft will incur a Penetration Premium, which is a figure calculated by a set formula which varies as a function of penetration distance, minimum pipeline/tunnel access (smaller diameter = more cost), maximum water depth (deeper = more cost), and number of bends of 45 degrees or more (more bends = more cost). This charge is in recognition of the difficulty of the task and helps us to fairly charge for the in-house development of the specific technologies needed for us to provide this very unique capability.

For return business customers certain discounts may be applicable, though these will require the mutual execution of a Contractor Services Agreement between SeaView and the client which will carry with it certain rights and obligations for each party. We invite prime contractors to contact us to discuss this special relationship.

We apply a sliding discount structure applicable to projects involving longer lease periods.

Contact SeaView Systems today to discuss your specific project needs.